The Soups
A comfort food for your pantry? We would like to introduce you to “Bean Soup with pasta”, 100% natural ingredients, without preservatives, glutamate or added sugars for a rich and tasty dish, just like homemade!
You won’t have to think about preparation you only need to open, heat and enjoy!

A comfort food for your pantry? We would like to introduce you to “Bean Soup with pasta”, 100% natural ingredients, without preservatives, glutamate or added sugars for a rich and tasty dish, just like homemade!
You won’t have to think about preparation you only need to open, heat and enjoy!

Do you want a natural, tasty, and ready-to-eat dish? “Pulse Soup with Grains” is the ideal solution!
It’s healthy because it’s steamed with 100% natural ingredients, without preservatives, glutamate or added sugars. It’s as good as homemade, in an instant all the goodness of tradition is served.

A healthy, practical and light meal? Here’s the Vegetable Minestrone with Cannellini Beans, a meal with 100% natural ingredients, without preservatives, glutamate or added sugar, as good as homemade! Perfect for when you’re in a hurry: just open it, warm it and enjoy your meal! In a moment the freshness of the vegetables is ready to eat.

Are you looking for a light and tasty meal? Pumpkin Soup with Carrots is the perfect solution!
It’s ready: just warm it up for 2 minutes! It’s healthy because it’s made with 100% natural ingredients, without preservatives and added sugars. It is good as it is prepared with tender and sweet pumpkin pulp to which potato flakes are added to give it a perfect consistency.

(ITA) Pomodoro e farro italiani, insieme, creano un’armonia di sapori, in un piatto genuino pronto da gustare.
Abbiamo selezionato il farro 100% italiano proveniente dalle coltivazioni del Centro Italia, e le migliori varietà di pomodoro italiano per garantire la giusta dose di dolcezza, vivacità e colore.